:::Catatannya The Echo:::: Aplikasi Webgis/Webmapping Terkait Gempa Jogja

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Aplikasi Webgis/Webmapping Terkait Gempa Jogja

Sistem Informasi Bencana DIY-
Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Peta dan Informasi Bencana Gempa Jogjakarta dan Jateng-
Jurusan Teknik Geodesi UGM dan Bappeda DIY

Pengembangan Database Informasi Geografis Berbasis Internet Bappeda Propinsi DIY

1 comment:

daniel john said...

It's an interesting approach. I usually see ordinary views on the subject but yours it's written in a pretty special manner. Sure enough, I will revisit your web site for more information.

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