:::Catatannya The Echo:::: Google Earth

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Google Earth

Google Earth – Explore, Search and Discover

Courtesy of Google

Want to know more about a specific location? Dive right in -- Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips.

Fly from space to your neighborhood. Type in an address and zoom right in.

Search for schools, parks, restaurants, and hotels. Get driving directions.

Tilt and rotate the view to see 3D terrain and buildings.

Save and share your searches and favorites. Even add your own annotations.

1 comment:

infokampus said...

Terima kasih atas blongnya yang sangat informatif

Mudah-mudahan Anda juga memasukan direktori khususnya yang tentang pendidikan perguruan tinggi. Yang menyangkut akreditasi kampus, nilai kuliah dan tips anak kuliahan. Hehe.. Kalau bisa sih informasikampus.com dimasukan

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